Company Safety Program
Construction is a unique industry in terms of challenge and rewards. It is also one of the most hazardous. While construction methods and techniques have improved and consistently increase the efficiency and productivity of the industry, it can be shown that the accident frequency rate for construction has increased while that of general industry has decreased. Closer to home, our direct and indirect job costs and costs of doing business are known to increase in direct proportion of accident frequency rating.
Accidents can be prevented through planning, training and a cooperative effort in all areas of our operations. It is the policy of our company that every employee is entitled to a safe and healthful environment in which to work.
Although the inherently dangerous nature of construction work makes it unlikely that accidents will ever be completely eliminated, the frequency and severity can be greatly reduced. It is hard to prevent an accident after it occurs and we must all plan, think and act safely not only during our working hours but in our family lives as well. Having pride in your company, pride in your job and pride in yourselves are the necessary ingredients for an accident-free environment.
Bottom line accident prevention is good not only personally but for businesses as well and the cost of accidents fare exceeds the cost of prevention.
Here at North Kansas City Electric, we accept our part in an effort to prevent accidents and have established the following safety program as general policy. We ask that as a condition of your employment, you follow this general policy to help make our organization the best it can be and to help insure the safety of not only yourself but of those around you.
Ken Austin Brett Wheeler
Safety Administrator Employee Safety Representative